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Open Houses at Daystar Academy

Life-long learners and world-changers.

Prospective students are invited to join us for an upcoming Open House. Learn why more and more students and families are choosing Daystar Academy for its faith-based, academically rigorous IB curriculum, its international travel opportunities, Falcon Athletics, and more.

We're excited to welcome you to our community!


High School Open House: Thursday, October 3 from 6–7:30 PM

6:00–6:30 PM Panel Q&A featuring Daystar parents, current high school students, teachers, and administrators. Ask us anything about high school at Daystar!

7:00 PM Explore the IB Diploma, Falcon Athletics, Student Support Services, co-curriculars, international travel through XP, and more one-on-one.


1550 S State St, Chicago, IL 60605
Use the entrance on South State.


(312) 791-0001


Student Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Parent/Guardian Namerequired
First Name
Last Name
Which Open House would you like to attend?
What grade is your child in currently?required
Is your child interested in a specific sport or co-curricular?